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Gearup The F-Series NY - Ready! Set! Action!
Giovanni Mele
06 June 2020

Karting has certainly been turned on its head over the past three months but we are excited to get back to the sport we love! Of course things will be slightly different than in the past but we will try to kick start this season in a way that will hopefully create the fun and exciting events everyone is accustomed to.

Our biggest challenge is having to start at 50% capacity for the facility where we are holding an event. This will require the help of the racers and teams as registration in the first phase will be limited to the driver and one mechanic. As we are uncertain of the attendance for round one, registration will be closed once our occupancy limit has been reached, this date is very unpredictable so please register at your earliest convenience. If we do not reach that limit we will open additional entry to crews and family members after the close of drivers registration. Registration is NOW open and will close June 17th, this early closing date is designed to give our team ample time to prepare a safe and fun event. Every person to enter the track will be required to have a drivers registration or pit pass bought in advance. (No Exceptions).

As the procedures and requirements are very different from any other time during the history of the F-Series we have created a bullet point list to make it easier to navigate. We hope to be able to return to simpler times soon

Important Event Information

  • Registration deadline June 17th 2020 (Limited availability)

  • Payment Options, Include names of mechanic deadline June 17th 2020

  • Season Pass Holders June 17th 2020 ( Confirm arrival and submit mechanics name) send to [email protected]

  • International Competitors send registration information before June 17th 2020 ( Held until June 21st to confirm border crossings)

  • Teams/Trailers ( Send prefered parking layouts and parking requirements) NO CHANGES AFTER JUNE 17th 2020 [email protected]

  • RV Parking ( Send requirements/ limited availability) [email protected]

  • Hotels / Amenities

  • LeCont Tires -Pre Order

  • Entry to the event will not be permitted unless registered before deadline June 17th 2020

  • Pit Pass holders must submit a name with purchase.

  • There will be no walk-ups or cash payments for any services/ Checks can be mailed to our office address.

COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

General Procedure

  • No one will be allowed to enter the facility without the proper pre-registration

  • Racers are required to register. There will be no walk-ups or cash payments.

  • There will be no cancellations available unless cancelled by NYRC.

  • All Racers and Mechanics, Family, MUST follow the NYRC COVID-19 Manual Guidelines and operating procedures

  • There will be no concession stand service available. Please bring food initially to lessen the traffic in and out of NYRC

  • Social distancing MUST be followed in all areas of New York Race Complex including Drivers Meeting held outside, tech, grid and while paddocking

Front Gate

  • Gates will open at 8:00 am for karting participants and not before.

  • All participants must be pre-registered and paid, and there will be a list at the front gate. Only racers on the list will be permitted to enter New York Race Complex.

  • Masks must be worn in designated areas or if proper social distancing is not not possible
    Two Waivers (Normal and COVID-19) will be signed at the registration window / table at the gate.


You will be provided the proper wristband upon verification at the karting concession stand window, and required to sign the waivers

Restrooms / Cleaning Stations

  • There will be a sanitizing station set up by the restroom during the day and all participants are required to follow the required CDC hand washing requirement

  • We will close and mark select restroom stalls that are not open and will have a 1-person limit to allow for proper social distancing.

Food & Beverage

There will be no food vendors on the property during the event and we urge everyone to bring ample food and beverages upon arrivals to curb in and out traffic. Delivery of food will be permitted and available thru specific restaurants and vendors.

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